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Arbor Sync 2021-06-10 === ## First up - Community Retreat is next weekend (June 19th)! - Format (9am EDT - 9pm EDT): - 3 hours of collaboration (in teams) on specific projects chosen at the start of the event. - 2 hours of social fun (games, pet introductions, leaving to eat food, etc...) - 2 hours of collaboration - 2 hours of social fun - 3 hours of collaboration ## Updates - Jack - orchard is here! Final updates/bugfixes are ready and you can try it today. - Chris - sprig supports the orchard storage engine - try `v0.0.18-rc3`. Enable Orchard in settings and restart to let it take effect. - sprig can render markdown! - This is built atop the `gioui.org/x/richtext` package contributed by Vladimir Magyar - At least on linux, links don't open reliably right now. Needs investigation - Latest sprig release has known issues that are being investigated - Root conversation badges disappeared - Hyperlink clicks are unreliable on some platforms - Long-press as a gesture is overloaded on mobile platforms and needs a better experience ## Finance https://opencollective.com/arbor-chat