Arbor Sync 2020-09-17 === ## Updates - Elizabeth - dark theme color thoughts <details> <summary>pictures</summary> <img src=https://pad.nixnet.services/uploads/upload_aadff64963074f239d845b0cce0a114f.png> <img src=https://pad.nixnet.services/uploads/upload_b22d5ff8a87f1d6bca0c1e5484906034.png> <img src=https://pad.nixnet.services/uploads/upload_91b7de6e182770cca632d73a29daf4a9.png> <img src=https://pad.nixnet.services/uploads/upload_ead6dff05720739d8301548304a16681.png> <img src=https://pad.nixnet.services/uploads/upload_d136016b9378c921cf67d18ec530c5c7.png> </details> - Jack - gio - editor word-by-word navigation with ctrl+arrow - editor word deletion with ctrl+delete - scroll - splitting out scroll indicator into new library for gio community - sprig - investigating clickable hyperlink support - Andrew - sprig - user active status PoC - forest-go - found a node parser bug - srht community call - Amolith - updated getting started guide - Whereswaldon - materials - expanded demo program to show off all of the library features (demo) - finally merged nonmodal nav drawers and sheets - sprig - non-modal navigation (demo) - notification test button (demo) - deep debugging to find why v0.0.11-rc1 overflow buttons don't work (bug fixed) - connect form no longer accepts newlines - added a flag to use a temporary configuration directory for easier testing - incremental progress on ... dark mode! (demo) - forest-go - twig rejects invalid values when you try to set them now - fixed @awildthorp's node parser bug - [gio-extras](https://sr.ht/~whereswaldon/gio-extras/) - established new srht project for all these gio libraries - added scroll initial implementation ## Discussion - test notifications breaks iOS - See just conversation roots (highlight reel), maybe everything since last time you launched the app - Unfocus a message ## Questions - Should we separate the arbor-dev ML from announcements (like the sync emails)? - yes, it's arbor-announce - When/how should we bulk-update `master`=>`main`? - doesn't matter when - Revisit our [roadmap](https://pad.nixnet.services/30lL_dC0SuCkz_YzyM5RHA) and reprioritize (if we have enough people).