Arbor Sync 2021-01-21 === ## Updates - Elizabeth - Latest design thoughts - Scrim color should not be inverted in dark mode - New hover animations make it easier to screen-capture tutorials - Can we omit "Conversation" in "Conversation Root"? - When in conversation filter, displaying the "load more history" button when the entire conversation is visible doesn't make sense - Still want to be able to unfocus, large margin on the right is a natural hit area for this - Android "back" behavior still kicks you to the relay address selection - Attempts to unselect lead to clicks in the scrollbar tray - Sprig logo is visually jarring on macOS Big Sur (doesn't match system icons) - Infra SIG - Meeting on Saturday night ([notes](https://pad.nixnet.services/H3qJODZsT4Cfkp7zYUuauA)) - Divided into teams to pursue different infra tasks - Tekk - Building mage-based automation to provision infrastructure - Amolith & Thom - Building an LXD container that hosts an arbor relay - used `CGO_ENABLED=0 go build` to prevent glibc dynamic linking as a result of using `net` - Can also link against `musl` (if installed) with `CC=/usr/bin/musl-gcc go build --ldflags '-linkmode external -extldflags "-static"'` - Might need to either install `tzinfo` or add a compile flag to embed the timezone info - Jwhett - Building automation to manage a cluster of LXD hosts - LXD recommends at least 3 nodes. If there are fewer, one node stores the SQLite DB instead of being distributed. Cost vs stability decision to make here. - AwildThorp & Whereswaldon - Building an LXD container with a configured monitoring stack (evaluating prometheus, loki, and grafana) - Jack - Investigating sprig startup times, especially on windows <details><summary>linux files meme</summary> <img src='https://i.redd.it/j1ues8fwjoc61.jpg'> </details> - Whereswaldon - Gio - Migrated the disparate parts of gio-extras into a single repo with module name `gioui.org/x` - Updated all of gio-extras to use latest gio - Sprig - Reported iOS crash on startup to Elias; fixed (still working on subsequent performance degration) - Fixed pixel alignment issue with message highlighting - Changed conversation root visualization - Enabled profiling of many kinds with the `--profile` flag (try it!) ## Finances Essentially the same as [last meeting](https://pad.nixnet.services/qZI1HGMQRK-pd8nOuQS3wA#Finances). Whereswaldon didn't get a chance to reconcile the accounts this week, but there haven't been new expenses yet. - Monthly Income: ~$80/mo - $57/mo github sponsors of [@whereswaldon](https://github.com/sponsors/whereswaldon) - ~$13/mo ($3.15/wk) liberapay sponsors of [@whereswaldon](https://liberapay.com/whereswaldon) - $10/mo - Monthly Expenses: $15.83 - $5/mo digitalocean hosting of aspen.arbor.chat - $2.50/mo arbor.chat domain ($30/yr divided by 12) - $8.33/mo Apple Developer Program membership ($100/yr divided by 12) - Upcoming expenses: (anticipated total) $39.16/mo - $8.33/mo for a Windows code signing certificate - up to $15/mo more for infrastructure ## Discussion * LXC/LXD * Maybe look at image and template repositories * Theme editor breaks the backdrop of nav drawer