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Arbor Sync 2020-05-14 === ## Updates - ~whereswaldon - continued `gio` experimentation - new `sprig` UI that visualizes the message tree - ~athorp96 - found interesting behavior (possibly bug) when using `wisteria` ## Demo We'll try out the new sprig ui. Make sure you have the [dependencies](https://gioui.org/doc/install#linux) for Gio. ``` git clone https://git.sr.ht/~whereswaldon/sprig cd sprig go run . ``` Connect to `arbor.chat:7117` ### Feedback * [name=~amolith] A useful feature could be a visual indication when there's a new message below the viewport * Example: ![](https://pad.nixnet.services/uploads/upload_ecbcdfa53c357fcf5a4fac26a8ef29c2.png) * [name=~jwhett] Entering hostname/port then pressing enter results in a new line rather than a "confirm"-like action * [name=~amolith] When creating a UI that is text-centric, it's a good idea to keep [standard typographic practises](https://practicaltypography.com/) in mind. For Sprig, that would really just apply to font choice and how some elements (bullets, links, etc.) are rendered. * Make usernames/dates text more distinct from message text * [name=~amolith] Personally, I don't really like underlined links; that's becoming more of a trend in online spaces as well with Google, DuckDuckGo, The New York Times, and a lot of others adopting the practise. Simply making them blue with an underline on hover is increasing in popularity; hover action could be implemented later but I assume text color is currently doable. * **TREEMOJI** ## Questions/Discussion - Indentation help/hurt/neutral to clarity? - Does anyone know how [testflight](https://developer.apple.com/testflight/) works?