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Arbor Sync 2020-12-10 === ## Updates - Chris (@Whereswaldon) - gio - Palette updates landed, working their way through gio-extras on their way to sprig - haptic feedback now supported on iOS - sprig - double-tap to filter - long-press to activate context (with haptics) - third filter mode introduced - settings spacing changed to clarify the grouping of help text - build version embedded in settings - Jack (@Astartes) - updated/improved error handling on text input fields - Gio (in general) - New renderer may be available for Linux/Android this month. Expected performance gains are significant. - Josh (jwhett) - Christmas fun! `xsnow` - https://sourceforge.net/p/xsnow/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/xsnow/ - `svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/xsnow/code/ xsnow-code` ## Finances - Monthly Income: ~$65/mo - $52/mo github sponsors of [@whereswaldon](https://github.com/sponsors/whereswaldon) - ~$13/mo ($3.15/wk) liberapay sponsors of [@whereswaldon](https://liberapay.com/whereswaldon) - Monthly Expenses: $15.83 - $5/mo digitalocean hosting of aspen.arbor.chat - $2.50/mo arbor.chat domain ($30/yr divided by 12) - $8.33/mo Apple Developer Program membership ($100/yr divided by 12) <details> <summary style="border: 0.5rem outset red; box-shadow: 0 0 0 1rem green; border-radius: 12px; font: bold 1rem sans-serif; padding: 1rem; outline-offset: 0.5rem; margin: 3rem;">Register</summary> <pre> hledger areg Checking:Budgeted:Chris:Arbor:Available -f budget.txt Transactions in Checking:Budgeted:Chris:Arbor:Available and subaccounts: 2020-08-24 GitHub Sponsors In:GitHub Sponsors 1.45 1.45 2020-09-22 GitHub Sponsors In:GitHub Sponsors 1.00 2.45 2020-10-22 GitHub Sponsors GitH.. In:GitHub Sponsors 1.00 3.45 2020-10-28 Liberapay Income Ch:Bu:Ch:Ar:LiberapayF.. 1.00 4.45 2020-11-04 Liberapay Income Ch:Bu:Ch:Ar:LiberapayF.. 2.00 6.45 2020-11-11 Liberapay Income Ch:Bu:Ch:Ar:LiberapayF.. 2.00 8.45 2020-11-18 Liberapay Income Ch:Bu:Ch:Ar:LiberapayF.. 2.00 10.45 2020-11-23 GitHub Sponsors GitH.. In:GitHub Sponors 2.00 12.45 2020-11-25 Liberapay Income Ch:Bu:Ch:Ar:LiberapayF.. 2.00 14.45 2020-12-02 Liberapay Income Ch:Bu:Ch:Ar:LiberapayF.. 2.00 16.45 2020-12-05 DigitalOcean Hosting Ch:Bu:Chris -5.00 11.45 2020-12-09 Liberapay Income Ch:Bu:Ch:Ar:LiberapayF.. 2.00 13.45 </pre> </details> <details> <summary style="border: 0.5rem outset green; box-shadow: 0 0 0 1rem red; border-radius: 12px; font: bold 1rem sans-serif; padding: 1rem; outline-offset: 0.5rem; margin: 3rem;">Balance</summary> <pre> hledger balance Checking:Budgeted:Chris:Arbor -f budget.txt 13.45 Checking:Budgeted:Chris:Arbor:Available 62.14 Checking:Budgeted:Chris:Arbor:LiberapayFuture -------------------- 75.59 </pre> </details> ## Discussion - Anyone looking for things to play with during the retreat? - ~amolith will write docs and test anything - ~athorp96 is looking forward to coding in not yaml ## Games ideas - [Xonotic](https://xonotic.org/) - ~amolith has an [open Minecraft server](https://secluded.site/mc) that doesn't require le game - Andrew, Amolith, and jwhett have table top simulator